Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Great Catch

I remember a night a couple years ago when I was telling my friends about how a guy I had a crush on just started dating someone. One of my friends told me, "He's just a goldfish. You want like, a barracuda or something." She was right, but I often find myself attracted to the goldfish, wishing they would become "barracudas or something." Kina Grannis puts it perfectly in "The Goldfish Song:" "I feel defeated again/ I'm always losing to myself/....I had the right intentions/Sometimes my hope envelops me/And I can't learn the lesson/Not to send a goldfish to the sea."

This is the problem I have with crushes: I see a guy and create this idea of who he is in my head. In reality he is just a "goldfish," but I try to send him to the sea and make him "a barracuda or something." I get so discouraged sometimes, wondering if I'll ever find the right guy. I feel just like Peter, fishing all night and catching nothing. I have faith though, that in the morning light, Jesus will appear on the shore and tell me to cast my nets on the other side. There, in His time, I will reel in "the great catch."

In the meantime, rather than lay in the boat dreaming of that day, I will do better learning to focus my thoughts on God, how I can serve and love Him in the little things, rather than how I'll catch